Monday, January 11, 2010

Growing Pains

When is the last time someone told you that things are just as they should be? When is the last time someone told you that you're just perfect the way you are? What if I told you these things now, would you believe me? Probably not. These are things you have to know by yourself.

When I move through a rough patch in life, I have learned that the hardest part about experiencing that suffering is my belief that I should not be going through this. I think to myself, "I do not belong here!" I argue with my greater self/the universe/god that I work so hard to be a good person, surely I am not deserving of this! But still, no matter how I disagree and fight, my life moves through its undulating pattern and it pulls me with it.

Sometimes, though (and these times are rare), I am able to take a small step back from my stance as a victim of life's ups and downs. These are the times I am able to put things into perspective and understand that my life is so minuscule--like looking at a clear night sky and seeing a plethora of stars you didn't know existed; and yet, my being is at the same time a microcosm of the entire universe. 

Especially when times are tough and our lives are challenging, we tend to take it all so personally. That is good in some respects because we begin to learn how our actions and our energies have contributed to this struggle. At the same time, it is important to see that your life has brought you to this challenge so that you can gather experience and strength from it.

Life can sometimes feel utterly cruel, but ultimately, our lives are only attempting to open us up to our greater selves, and to realize that we are exactly where we are meant to be and who we are meant to be. Instead of struggling against the tide, next time you find yourself suffering, try to go with it, even embrace it. This is your experience to grow from--use it.


annie said...

Hi Jane. Carly told me of your blog a while ago. It's interesting and thought-full.

Just wanted to say I'm glad you are writing again. If you can continue to override your doubt at this age (because, do any of us really, at any age, rid ourselves of doubt completely?? or should we??) then you will be setting yourself up for very balanced life.

Re: your last two entries: it's always the case that doubt magnifies itself when we are most tested.


Jane Willenbrink said...

Thank you Annie! Thank you so much for reading and for your wisdom. I hope all is well with you!