Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Bird Incident

Yesterday, on our way to the garden, I hit a bird. I was driving a leisurly 40 mph down Charter Oak Street, and the bird came flying out from the left. The last thing I saw was the flaling of a wing, and then we heard a thunk as we made contact. Will and I looked at eachother and decided I'd better pull over at the Highland Park Market and get the bird out from where it was likely stuck in the grill of our car. I pulled into the parking lot inconspicuously. Will jumped out to inspect the damage, and when he asked me to pop the hood, grey feathers went flying-- it was almost cartoon-like, and it broke the grimness of the incident.

Will recovered the ordinary robin from it's not so ordinary deathbed (the grill, as we suspected).
"Do you think it's still alive?" he asked.
Will put his hand on its tiny chest. "You sure?"

How could the bird have possibly survived? I heard that thunk. Not good. Needless to say, I felt awful. So we brought the bird to the garden and laid it to rest on the outskirts of Will's parent's yard.

There's no real story here...other than that this stuff happens sometimes. We try the best we can to be and do good everywhere, but life throws strange things in our path that we are unable to avoid. I guess I've run into a few things on this road lately...the turtle, and now the bird...I suppose it has been a rough few weeks.

In honor of the robin I killed with my car...

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